Hydrological Forecasts and Maps  |  Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)

Hydrological forecasts: Tornionjoki watershed - Ice breakup Tornio, Matkakoski and Pello

Tornio: The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days May 09 2025 and May 16 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 12 2025.

Matkakoski : The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days May 03 2025 and May 12 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 08 2025.

Pello: The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days May 04 2025 and May 10 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 07 2025.

Ice breakup Karunki, Vuennonkoski and Pello (old model)

Hydrological forecasts: Tornionjoki watershed - Ice breakup Karunki, Vuennonkoski and Pello

Karunki: The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days April 23 2025 and May 05 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 01 2025.

Vuennonkoski: The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days May 03 2025 and May 11 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 07 2025.

Pello: The ice breakup will be on 50 % propability between the days April 29 2025 and May 12 2025. Forecast's average day for ice breakup is May 04 2025.

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